Information Assurance

Our team of cyber security and incident response experts have worked with a variety of organisations to help them prepare their teams to handle a cyber attack. We offer a range of operational and strategic services to enhance organisational resilience at all levels. Our offering is bespoke to your organisational needs and industry requirements.
We have prepared a shareable PDF which you can download here: Incident Preparedness and Response
Table-top exercises and Board briefings. The first time your organisation deals with a crisis should not be a real-world incident. Our table-top exercises provide Boards and leadership teams the opportunity to see if Crisis Management, Business Continuity and Incident Response plans are appropriate for a cyber incident and where there is room for improvement.
Technical exercises. How well would your in-house team put an Incident Response plan into action? Our experts can develop and facilitate scenarios to exercise plans and provide staff the opportunity to review efficacy.
Full-scale simulations. To ensure the response to an incident is effective, it is vital that the key people across the business know how to work together and that the appropriate plans can be actioned. A full-scale simulation provides an opportunity for both management and technical teams to work side by side.
We have prepared a shareable PDF which you can download here: Validating cyber risk management through exercising
Our expert team are available to prepare your organisation.
Our unique maturity assessment will help you gain an understanding of your organisation’s security posture, measured against internationally recognised industry standards. Our tailored approach highlights where improvement is required and where measures in place already are appropriate/proportionate, preventing unnecessary over-investment.
Our Penetration Testing and Red Team Testing services identify specific weaknesses in hardware, software, or in operational processes. Since 2013, we have been helping organisations of all sizes and types identify, safely exploit, and remediate technical vulnerabilities before malicious attackers can gain access and compromise their information assets.
Our CREST-certified team have deep technical knowledge and understands the business, legal and regulatory requirements that underpin your operations. We are dedicated to protecting your assets, offering a wide range of response and recovery services that limit disruption
Find out how we can help you strengthen your digital security
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