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What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information that hold data specific to a particular website, which can allow the server to deliver a page tailored to your usage. The page itself contains a script which interacts with other websites, tailoring the information you receive.

Cookies do not collect your personal details; such name, address and anything else directly relating to you as an individual and the only way you are identified as an individual is through your IP address. The cookies we use track your interaction and journey to enable us to give you a better experience next time you visit.

An example of cookies being used is when you visit a website you frequently log in to, which already has your details pre-populated within the form fields, or when you have browsed a website for particular items to buy earlier and they later appear as an advert on another webpage.

Why do we use cookies?


Performance cookies can help us understand how you use the website, which enables us to create an improved journey, for example measuring the amount of mobile users we recieve and monitoring the speed of the loading time.


Analytics cookies are very important as this provides us with information on how you engage with all the areas of our website. For example, understanding what pages you find most interesting or how long you have spent visiting.


Advertising cookies are solely to help make our contents and products better for you. For example, your entrance to our website from an advert will enable us to improve, generate ideas and produce new products that may be of benefit to you.