Information Assurance

Adversarial organisations try to evade detection by evolving how they operate, including methods of communication. Previously threat actors used code words and veiled phrases – known as leetspeak – when organising real world harm. But after detection techniques caught on to coded online language, groups turned to emojis to imply harm – as seen during the Brazilian insurrection in 2023. Inevitably, adversarial tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) will soon evolve again.
By tracking threats over time, we can anticipate future tactics and activities, weakening the real-world impact of adversarial groups. This improves citizens’ safety and the integrity of legitimate organisations around the world.
PGI works with clients to detect, protect, and build defences against adversarial organisations. Our unique process creates strategic advantages for clients looking to control the effects of threat groups.
PGI’s unrivalled understanding of contemporary adversarial threats is informed by over two decades’ experience tracking the global evolution of threat activities. Our vast knowledge-base enables us to anticipate future trajectories, remaining in lockstep with even the most agile threat groups.
We bring informed scenario planning into all our threat assessments, helping clients understand real world risks and impacts. This future-focused, past-informed approach helps clients pre-empt and respond to the earliest warning signs – protecting lives, liberty, and reputations.
Find out how we can help you understand and protect your information environment.
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